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Stop Being a Bitch
Start being "that bitch."
“I do not wish women to have power over men; but over themselves.”
I’ve trained many clients, and my observations are consistent:
Some 55-year-old man who’s never touched a weight will start off stronger than a 20-year-old woman who’s just getting started.
None of the women who I was able to encourage into resistance training regretted it. They all felt empowered and regretted that they haven’t given resistance training a fair shot in the past.
This insane disparity in starting strength would scare the shit out of me, if I were a woman.
To reduce the disadvantage you have, you owe it to yourself to do something in regards to resistance training. And you don’t have to become a bodybuilder at all (although being at She-Hulk’s level would be cool).

Mother Nature is a sexist bitch. As a result, men are significantly stronger than women in general.
This has no doubt been a huge factor in why men have dominated women for pretty much all of recorded history.
However, just because something “makes sense” in nature doesn’t mean we need to adhere to it. Otherwise, we’d still be raping and killing each other (even more than we already do).
We have more knowledge and more technology than ever before, so women should use them to even the playing field.
Unless you use steroids (don’t do this), it’s gonna be damn near impossible to surpass most men in strength, but you can sure as hell make sure you’re not powerless.
“But what if I don’t care about any of that?”
Well, you can stop reading and stay a huge wuss, but you should read on to see what problems you may run into.
As I said, the main issue is that Mother Nature is a self-hating jackass, so women start off with a strength disadvantage.
If nothing is done about this, it just makes them more vulnerable to men with ill intent (or stronger women with ill intent).
And honestly, being (or feeling) powerless isn’t fun.
Wouldn’t it be cool to do something about that?
Wait. I think I hear something stupid:
I’ll get too bulky. (And if you touch a keyboard, you’ll accidentally hack the Pentagon, right?)
That would make me too masculine. (You equating “strength” with “men” is part of the problem. By the way, you just said that “women” equals “weak.” Interesting.)
It’s too hard. (If it’s tough enough, that means others won’t do it, so you’ll have the advantage. And hey, there are some men who don’t exercise because it’s too hard. If you exercise, you could be stronger than those guys.)
Like I said, no need to become a bodybuilder.
Just get to the point where you can do a damn push up.
At the very least, that’ll help you get out of bed more easily, if nothing else.
Most women (and people) don’t exercise at all, so if you do the bare minimum, you can enjoy:
A sense of safety and security.
An incredible body (if you care about that).
Does that sound good to you? If so, here’s what you do next:
If someone ever dissuades you from improving your strength as a woman, take a good look at them.
If they’re a fellow woman, do you really wanna be as lazy or as vulnerable as she is? Probably not.
If they’re a man, do they seem like a fucking idiot? Probably.
Start pretty much any kind of fitness routine (SHAMELESS PLUG).
Get the gains.
Fuck the haters (not literally, preferably).
Check out the site to watch some helpful videos, other written works, and a bunch of other stuff.