How To Stop Wasting Money

And how to save more than before.

“Buy less, choose well: that’s the maxim. Quality, not quantity.”

Vivienne Westwood

Good shoes, comfortable chairs, ergonomic mice and keyboards, etc. can cost a lot.


A lack of quality may cost you more in the long run, either because of replacement costs or the cost of repairing the damage caused by the subpar options.

No use crying over spilt milk. :)

A huge example is with fitness and ergonomic office equipment.

Yes, some gyms and equipment can be expensive, but you know what’s even more expensive? Physical therapy and medical bills from undoing all the damage your stinginess caused.

I often used to buy the cheapest options available, but I suffered when they weren’t good enough or when I had to pay more to replace them.

For years, I would have cheap coats and would suffer during winter.

I finally spent more on an incredible, dual-layered coat and was disappointed that I didn’t do it sooner.

The difference in quality was very apparent.

I haven’t bought a new coat since.

Some things are definitely overpriced, but there is some truth to the saying:

“You get what you pay for.”

Oftentimes, something is cheaper in price because it’s cheaper in quality.

Its cheap quality can cause issues in the long run, and you’ll have to pay extra to repair all the damage that was done.

AND/OR its cheap quality will eventually require you to replace it, which will cost more than having bought the better option to begin with.


  • "It costs more!” (It’ll cost even more later on.)

  • "But this is good enough." (I’m glad your standards for yourself are “good enough.”)


  • You’ll save money because you’ll be paying just once instead of multiple times.

  • You’ll enjoy a higher quality version of whatever cheap option is available.


  1. Save up your money.

  2. Buy the better option.

  3. Enjoy your saved money and better life.

Okay, bye!


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