No One Talks About This "Diet's" Best Benefit

It's the only reason I still do it.

"Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most."

Abe Lincoln

For those who don’t know, intermittent fasting is essentially limiting your eating window to about 8 hours, or even less, to give your body 16 hours or more to deal with the food.

One of the benefits is that it lowers your insulin levels, which changes the way your body uses fat as an energy source.

But I don’t care about that shit.

The biggest benefit is that it creates a hard stop to your day.

Many people, especially those with poor sleeping habits, start eating whenever they wake up, which could be around 9am.

Then they keep eating throughout the day and even late into the night, sometimes until 1am.

This makes it harder to keep track of your calorie intake and stick to your weight loss goals.

This eliminates late-night and early-morning snacking, as you have a set window that you have to stick to.

Most try to maintain an eight-hour window, typically from 8am to 4pm or from 10am to 6pm.

The easiest way to start intermittent fasting is by skipping breakfast and eating your first meal around lunchtime.

This alone shortens your eating window to 7-9 hours, making it easier to stick to.

When I was in college, my eating window was usually between 12pm and 4pm, or sometimes from 1pm to 4pm.

After 4pm, I wouldn't eat anything until the next day at about noon.

This schedule helped me stay on track with my eating habits and lose 100lbs.

Intermittent fasting is not about starving yourself; it's about controlling when you eat.

You still need to consume the necessary calories within your eating window.

Setting a specific window for your eating helps you keep track of your eating habits, even if you don't count your calories.

It eliminates midnight snacking and reduces overall snacking.

The point of intermittent fasting is the timing of eating, not the amount or quality of food.

You should eat what you need to eat within your eating window.

If you're snacking throughout your eating window, you're not following the intended purpose of intermittent fasting.

I find it easy to stick to an eight-hour eating window.

I don't eat in the morning because it doesn't matter how much I eat; I'll be hungry again by lunchtime.

So… I just save those calories for later in the day.

This approach allows me to enjoy my meals more and fits within my eight-hour window.

Intermittent fasting frames your daily diet, making it clear when it begins and ends.

This clarity helps you have a clear picture of how you're eating.

The best part is no more eating at 1am.

Eating too close to bedtime not only affects sleep negatively but also leads to regret.


  • "Intermittent fasting is just starving yourself." (WRONG. It's about timing, not starvation.)

  • "Skipping breakfast is unhealthy." (Whenever you first eat is when you break your fast, so you technically can’t skip breakfast.)

  • "It's too restrictive to follow." (The benefits outweigh the temporary discomfort.)


  • Clear, defined eating windows.

  • Better control over calorie intake.

  • Reduction in unnecessary snacking.

  • Potential metabolic and insulin benefits.


  1. Determine your eating window (ex. 8 hours).

  2. Skip breakfast to make your window easier to manage.

  3. Stick to your eating window. Consistently.

  4. Track your calorie intake to ensure you're meeting your needs.

  5. Adjust your window as necessary based on your schedule and goals.

Feel free to reply back with any questions.

Okay, bye!


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