New Year's, Who Cares?

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

It’s almost that time!

I’m sure you’re already hearing it from your friends and family… or from yourself:

  • “2024 is gonna be my year!”

  • “I’m gonna start [blank] in January.”

  • “I’ll start next month.”

All of these people are losers.

Let me tell you a story:

I used to be a personal trainer from 2016 to 2020. Knowing that New Year’s Day was a popular day for people to start their fitness journeys, I went to my gym bright and early. January 1st, 2017, was a Sunday, so I expected the gym to be PACKED because people weren’t working. I got there at about 7 or 8am, and by 10am, I started to realize that the gym was not going to be as packed as I thought.

How could this be? That was the day everyone was supposed to be at the gym! Well, it turns out that if you’re lazy enough to wait for a new year to start, you’re probably lazy enough to wait until Monday, too.

(Monday wasn’t packed, either. People actually started coming in on Tuesday...)

Moral of the story? If your lazy ass is waiting to become not-lazy, it’ll never happen. You have to initiate your goals yourself.

No matter what your goals might be, you can start them today or tomorrow. Hell, even next Monday at the very latest. But if you’re waiting for next YEAR? That’s lame, and you’re probably going to fail. Here’s why: If you’re waiting for a specific date in the future, that means that the goal is not important to you.

Start now by:

  • Choosing a reasonable, measurable goal.

  • Choosing a reasonable timeframe.

  • Choosing a reasonable schedule.

It’s fine to start off with easy goals. Why? Because you can always achieve another goal later. It’s better to start off easy and accomplish something, than to start off hard and give up forever. So, pick a goal and start it before January 1st.

Otherwise, it’s not a priority, and you shouldn’t bother with it at all.

You got this, (wo)man. Stay foxy.

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