Launching New Podcast: You're Not Gonna Make It

Yes, I sing the theme song myself.

I'll be talking about topics that affect your health (physically and mentally), such as:

  • AI

  • VR nonsense

  • Not exercising

  • Weight loss drugs

  • Too much screen time

Basically, things that could ruin your life.

Not just complaining, but explaining what you can do to fight off these threats.

Click the logo below to subscribe.

I’ve been debating whether or not to start a podcast for a while.

I recorded several practice episodes (which you will NEVER hear), and I finally started having fun with what you’ll know as Episode 1, so I figured I’d go for it.

What’s the worst that’ll happen?

I’ll get arrested for my shit opinions??

This ain’t the UK.

Anyway, have fun, and feel free to give me feedback.

Okay, bye!


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