New Merch Has Landed

Holy shirt!

I finally did it.

I made a merch store.

“What the hell kinda merch could you be possibly be selling, Kevin??”

Hey, I’ve actually got some pretty cool shirts, Hypothetical Guy.

Well, for now, I just have some shirts, but expect more later.

This design is my personal favorite so far:

If you don’t like the design, read it again.

Right now, everything is only in black for two reasons:

  1. Dark Mode is superior

  2. The designs would look janky as hell with any other background color

However, if you want other colors in particular, let me know.

Anyway, have fun, and feel free to tell me about any merch ideas you’d like to see in the future.

Okay, bye!

Check out the main site to watch some helpful videos, other written works, and a bunch of other stuff.


or to participate.