Make Your Meat Mech Matter

This has nothing to do with Christmas.

"It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."


You guys ever watched Attack on Titan?

If not, no spoilers, but imagine yourself not as your body, but as a brain (or "mind") inside of a mech made of bone, covered in organic armor.

That's what your skeleton and muscles are.

You can feel pain in your body, but you are your mind, not just your body.

However, your body is your vessel. It's the only way you can experience this reality. So, let me ask you something. 

Why aren't you constantly improving the hell outta your body?

There are people who were born with deformities, body parts that don't work, limited mental capacities, but those don't apply to you. There's nothing wrong with you, but you're still just satisfied with your body as it is.

If you don't care for resistance training or even your mobility, you're saying that you'll never get your mech's oil changed or go in for maintenance (should I switch to a car metaphor now?).

Imagine you had a car, and you could never get a new one. You wouldn't let it get scratched up, let its tires pop, or let the parts break down, would you?

No! You'd upkeep that like your life depended on it, because it does. 

One day, it may be too late to get your body in order. One day, you maybe be 70 years old with a hunchback. Guess what. That's it. You're fucked. You blew the one chance you had to experience this reality. Why? Because you were too lazy to maintain and improve your vessel. 

You don't want that, so what can you do?

Even if you don't want to do any bodybuilding shit, you still need to strengthen your body. Use your vessel to improve your vessel. That means using your bodyweight:

  • Bodyweight squats.

  • Push ups.

  • Pull ups (try this, please).

Here's a day-to-day benefit for each:

  • Squats -> Climb stairs much easier and jump higher.

  • Push ups -> Get out of bed faster and push heavy doors open.

  • Pull ups -> Increased grip will help you carry more and heavier bags. (Also, you'll be able to hold onto ledges, like in the movies.)

Even these few exercises can help you enjoy daily life to a much greater extent. That's not even touching on all the fun you can have.

When I was younger, I went to Action Park in New Jersey. There was this attraction that had people use a trapeze to swing over a large pool. One by one, I saw everyone grab the trapeze bar and instantly fall into the pool. 

At this point, I've been exercising for a while and was pretty strong. Even my dad, who was talking a lot of shit about how strong he was, only lasted a second before falling into the pool, just like the rest.

When it was my turn, I grabbed onto the bar, stepped off the ledge, completed the most beautiful pendulum you could imagine, and let go into the pool, triumphant.

I was elated. Improving my vessel made me capable of having more fun. What the fuck?? Being strong isn't just for health, but I can interact with the world in a better way, too? Wow!

Don't think of building muscle. Think of acquiring organic armor that will protect you from falls.

Don't think of strengthening your bones. Think of reinforcing your skeleton mech.

You only get one shot at this, so make it count!

You'll also feel better, and isn't that what we all want?

(You'll need to strengthen your mind in addition to your body, but that's for another day.) 


Check out the site to watch some helpful videos, other written works, and a whole slew of other stuff.


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