The #1 Thing That's Sabotaging You

It involves a game show.

“You are the Weakest Link! Goodbye!”

Anne Robinson

Imagine this:

2 weeks ago, you got jumped.

You felt powerless, and you wanted to never feel powerless again.

So, you signed up for boxing classes.

Your free time lines up perfectly with the classes. The place is right down the block from you. You bought your gloves.

You’re all set!

But you don’t go.

Due to nervousness, a change of mind, or just not feeling like it… you just don’t fucking go.

You had absolutely everything planned out, but you didn’t account for the weakest link:


Got ‘em!

It is possible to have the perfect plan.

You can have everything scheduled.

You can have everything paid for.

You can have everything in place.

But you can still fuck it all up by not showing up.

You know those Rube Goldberg machines with all their intricate components ready to go, just waiting for someone to knock over the first domino?

Who the hell is Rube Goldberg?

That’s what it’s like having a bunch of plans and systems without any execution.

A tool is only as good as its user, so if you have everything you need in order to execute your plan, but nothing has happened yet, that’s 100% on you.

If you think about it, that’s also a blessing in disguise:

This also means that you can achieve a lot as long as you have the determination to do so, even if you don’t have the best resources at your disposal. Basically, you can still make a great meal if you really try, even if the ingredients you have aren’t the best.

But you absolutely need to execute. You need to start.

If you don’t:

  • You’ll be the sole reason that your goals and plans don’t work out.

  • You’ll waste your time searching for reasons why things never progressed.

  • You’ll think your goal is impossible when you don’t achieve it (despite everything being ready for you, except you).


How do some justify blowing a huge lead?

Easily, apparently:

  • “It wasn’t my fault that it didn’t work out.” (If literally everything else was all good… are you truly sure about that?)

  • “I’ll start on this goal a bit later.” (That’s cool, but if preparations are already in place, know that it’s just you holding everything up for yourself.)

Pretty flimsy excuses, honestly. Avoid making them.


If you choose to not be the weakest link in your plan, you can:

  • Realize that you have full control.

  • Take responsibility for your lack of action.

  • Determine if you need to change your process.


Let’s pretend you have the perfect plan ready to go, but nothing’s happened yet.

What do you do next?

  1. Ask yourself: “Am I the problem here?”

  1. If not, find the real problem.

  2. If yes, deal with it, or fix it.

Okay, bye!


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